Tarang Bhargava

Expectations And Their Side Effects

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She got up early in the morning, from the sleep that never had arrived, kohl filled eyes still wet with tears, he hadn't called her. She had slept into her so-called sleep waiting for him, because he had asked her to, but never fulfilled his promise, quite as usual! Looking into the mirror, she saw pieces of her own expectations, little little dead bodies, that she can neither abandon, nor bury according to the ritual. All she can do is helplessly stare at herself and curse her cursed self for being so much into it. Into what? Another vicious circle of introspection begins with this question, but this is what precisely here life is now-a-days. Questioning herself, her own decisions and still reaching no conclusion.

Don't such situations drive us crazy!! So was she!!

She did not understand the fact, that was this because of her being a 'girl' according to the orthodox Indian conventions, but then such seemed irrelevant to her because of her educated independent Christian school upbringing.

Introspecting, as she always is, she walks off, to the office where she expects to meet him. She didn't call him for she wanted him to take the first step today and show her her importance in his life. But again, the mirror of her expectations broke, into uncountable invisible pieces. She cried another uncountable invisible tears!

Her Introspection: Such phase always comes, where being deep into a relation, initially there is fondness and love, and then comes taken-for-granted feeling, silent times of togetherness, no late night phone calls, no reason to show you-are-special. Then precisely comes the halt! Stop! End! She fears, was this it? She wanted to run off, but then, this is the phase of her life that she always wanted to be in, 'blissfully committed'

Expectations, as we reach deeper into a relation, along with all the above mentioned, come the expectations, he expects something, she expects something. Initially both work hard to meet each other's expectations, but then there comes another phase, where they are tired. That phase is accept-me-as-I-am!!

Difficulties, rough patches, relationships aren't just that. There is much more to them. But...the expectations and their side effects lead us into such difficult situations that it seems difficult to carry on, and even more difficult to quit!!

Coming back from her thoughts, she sits in darkness, not the darkness of her office cabin, but the darkness of her soul, and then, she resumes her daily work...

Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website http://www.EarnCashOnline.in is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to make money through internet using his experience.

Read articles by him at http://www.ArticlesDirectory.org

The writer also provides guidance and tricks to earn more to novice affiliate marketers at http://www.schoolofaffiliate.com

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